Tuesday, 29 May 2007

Caught in the past

This entry.. Basicly is gonna base on what I dreamt this morning..
I don't even know where to start.. This dream felt so real.. It was pack with emotions.. I even woke up with cold tears in my eyes.. Not to mention its a really weird one too.. This shows how extraordinary this dream is.. So here it goes..
(The starting was really blur and weird)
I was suddenly back in school.. I guess it was during SPM, cause i see people studying like crazy.. Practicly smart zombies.. Everyone was stonning.. No movement no nothing.. Then I saw alyssa.. Sitting by that little corner sobbing.. I went over and asked her whats wrong.. She couldn't hear me.. My voice grew louder and louder and louder.. At a point I shouted till I could actually feel myself losing my voice.. My throat began to dry and pain started to kick in.. At that moment I fell on my knees in tears thinking ,"Whats wrong with you all?!!!" I grabbed her shoulder but my hand just went through her.. She felt a chill and looked back.. Thats when I knew.. Im not of this world anymore.. Her eyes were staring directly at mine.. As if she could really see me.. I was glad for that moment.. But she looked away and said,"who's there?" I was crushed... Mentally and physically...
The area began to darken.. It was night time.. Everything was black.. The night sky was filled with clouds with no moon.. Dark mist start appearing from everywhere i stood.. I heard a voice,"Its time to go.."
A tall dark fellow.. with a dark robe.. covering his face.. Grabs my hand and started dragging me forward.. I fought with all my might but it wasnt any good.. He stopped.. Looked at me.. With his red eyes.. He held high his hand with a knife.. and stabbed my legs and hands.. I felt the pain.. It felt so real I cried.. I begged him to stop.. He didnt.. Until, a tear of blood came from my eye.. He stopped..
Looking towards the sky I saw a light.. It came down to me.. Barely able to move... Suffering.. It touched me and brought me somewhere bright.. Everything there was white.. Except for my blood which was the only thing not white there.. A voice came and said,"One more chance to prove your self.." And with that I find my self at a mall.. Dressed.. My hands were normal.. I could move.. No more pain..
Thats when I saw her.. I saw Serene.. She was with her boyfriend Arif.. Instantly I tried avoiding any contact but it was too late.. Arif saw me.. He came up to me and with all of a sudden, his mood changed as he wants to kill me.. We threw punches and kicks until she told us to stop.. She was on her knees crying.. Saying,"After all I've been through, isn't this enough?!! Why must this go on??" That moment.. Arif dissapeared.. There was only me and Serene in the mall.. I was bleeding a lil while she had tears running down her cheeks..
I was already afraid inside so I turned away and began walking away from her.. She shouted," Why? Why is this happening to me?".. Still walking.. I stopped.. And all of a sudden.. I felt the feelings I had inside.. Began to brew.. I was angry.. Dissapointed.. I answered back," I did all I could!! What more can I do?!! I loved you but what now?!!". She was stunned.. I continued,"All I wanted was a chance.. A chance to prove myself.." "But no.. I didnt even get that.." Infuriated I finally said," You can't say I never tried!!!! I DID, with all my heart! That precise moment.. She answered back," I know you did but we we're never meant to be.."
Everything turned black.. My heart and soul froze.. I was back where I was.. The voice dissapeared.. Everything around me vanished.. I was to my self.. In deep thought,"I guess.. Its the end.. Im dead.. I can't go on anymore.."
A heart full of sorrow.. A single snowflake touches my face and I awoke..
*Weird huh? Whats with the dream? I have no idea*
*To serene, if you're reading this. Its just a dream kay =x*
*To alyssa, I guess you're still my closest friend back then*
This typed out version is nothing compared to the dream, this one really cant beat the dream.
Ivan.K aka WinterSnow..